Aisha Huang the ‘galamsey’ queen arrested in Ghana again!


Huang herself

Aisha Huang who many Ghanaians believe is the same person as Huang En is a native of China. The 47-year-old popular ‘galamsey’ businesswoman operated in the trade of minerals, that is, mining and selling of minerals [gold] in Ghana without a license. She was then in arrest in 2017 by the police service for operating an illegal mining business. This caused a huge stir in the media and political space of the country being of the fact that Ghanaians believe foreigners were allowed by prominent and powerful people into the country to destroy Ghanaians’ sources of livelihood for their selfish gains.
Due to the ever-growing concerns of Ghanaians in the fight and eradication of ‘galamsey’, Huang’s arrest, some five years ago, attracted a lot of attention from the citizens of Ghana. they expected the worst punishment for this businesswoman who at the time was illegally exploiting the natural minerals in Ghana, but to their surprise and disappointment, her cases were dropped, and she was rather deported back to China: she fled back to her home country under bizarre circumstances.
The “galamsey queen” allegedly re-entered the country with the name Huang En and was later found and arrested this year after five years since she was deported. There have been reports, opinions, and questions raised about Huang’s re-entry and arrest in Ghana.
Some reports claim she never went back to her country, other media outlets reported that she was backed by some ‘big men who were directly and/or indirectly involved in her business in Ghana. Whether she was deported back to her country on not, is a question that needs serious and intense scrutiny for the truths to be found.
Aisha Huang has been charged together with three others for engaging in sales and purchases of minerals without a license. She is also separately on a provisional charge of engaging in mining without a license
Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy came out with a statement regarding the arrest and issues surrounding Huang and the laws of Ghana.
It reiterated their support and respect for the laws of Ghana to take their course but emphasized that the right of the Chinese citizen should also be considered.

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